Core values
We believe that human life in its many forms is valuable; that all people deserve to achieve their full potential, while bearing responsibility for sustaining our natural environment. Living a life in freedom and dignity, with respect for each other and the planet, leads to greater individual well-being and fair, vibrant societies.
Freedom & dignity. Every human being has the right to live in freedom and dignity, regardless of their sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion or socio-economic position. People should have the freedom to believe what they want and be who they are, voice their opinions, and challenge and influence the established order.
Responsible citizenship. People have rights as well as duties and responsibilities. We must respect and take care of other people, nearby and far away, and live life without damaging the common good, including nature.
Self-determination & diversity. People and communities should be able to make choices and decisions based on their own preferences and interests. Each individual is unique, and these individual differences are something to cherish and protect.
Equality & justice. People are not the same, but we are equal. We should be treated and treat others as such. Equality should be reflected in the way our social, economic and legal systems work.
Sustainable use of our planet’s resources. We only have one planet, with a rich but fragile biodiversity, and vast but finite resources. If we want current and future generations to prosper, sustainable use of the earth and living in balance with nature are paramount. We must move beyond reducing negative impacts and work actively to restore and preserve the environment, its biodiversity, and the planet’s natural resources. The future of every living creature depends on this.